How Are Your Powerlinks™ Different?

If you are looking to increase your web traffic, boost your SEO, and improve your Google search rankings, our Powerlinks™ service is the best option for you. Continue reading below to learn more about what makes our amazing product different.

Experienced and College Educated US-Based Writers

Here at Outreach Frog, all of our content services are written by our team of college-educated US-based writers. We only hire writers that have experience in researching and writing about a variety of topics. This guarantees that no matter how niche your field is, our writers will create high-quality content that will draw attention.

When we craft content our team strikes a balance between:

  • Readability – our pieces are designed to have mass appeal. As these are SEO articles, the goal is to build trust signals between the target site (your site or your client’s site) to increase where that site is positioned in searches for keywords that matter for your customers.
  • Publisher Acceptance – as we use third party publishers, the articles are also composed in a way to suit their reader base. We are not a PR firm – we are an SEO firm – so readers of the articles may be entirely different to your customer base. However, this is deliberate – we want articles with maximum appeal so that publishers are incentivized to promote that content (outside your specific customer base), further enhancing the value of the link that is provided.
  • SEO Value – we have a comprehensive internal process, that we constantly improve and optimize based on best practice. We find it most effective to sometimes adjust ‘readability’ for other more important SEO metrics keywords and article structure. What this means is, on occasions, an article may appear a little odd or misworded – that is intentional. As the audience for the articles is not your customers – and the article exists to build trust through the value of the link and the surrounding content.

Investing in talented writers ensures our work is always exceptional, and it incentivizes sites with a lot of traffic to host our guest posts. Additionally, it guarantees that the articles will stay up for years, ensuring your SEO investments will be rewarded long after your purchase.

Guaranteed To Increase Your Web Traffic

What separates our Powerlinks™ from our competitors is that our links are only placed on sites with a significant amount of web traffic.

  • Our Standard Powerlinks™ are placed on sites with 1000+ monthly visitors.
  • Our Medium Powerlinks™  are placed on sites with 5000+ monthly visitors.
  • Our Platinum Powerlinks™  are placed on sites with 10,000+ monthly visitors.

Due to the amount of web traffic our placements experience, you can expect an immediate increase in your organic web traffic. Additionally, because these sites have so much web traffic, it drastically improves your site’s SEO ranking, which will benefit you for years to come.

Relevant Placements

Another reason our Powerlinks™ are superior to our competitors is that we don’t just choose sites with a large number of monthly visitors, but we also focus on sites relevant to your niche. This ensures that the traffic coming through the backlink are those interested in your industry. This also indicates to the Google algorithm that you are an authority in your field and your website should be at the top of a Google search result.