Blogger outreach is mainly about establishing relationships with influential marketers in your niche industry, and leveraging it as a white hat link building technique. If you are thinking should I do blogger outreach, or what is blogger outreach or how to build more traffic using guest posts, read on!
Blogger outreach helps to reduce business uncertainty since potential readers are more likely to trust your brand when it is referred to them by someone they already trust.
This allows you attain a platform through which you can meet or exceed most of your SEO goals.
Here are some reasons why blogger outreach is the most important part of SEO.
Additional Content at No Extra Cost to Drive Traffic To Your Site
The most beneficial aspect of blogger outreach is that it helps create additional content that points to your site. One person or a small team can only write so much, even if you are guest posting and curating content constantly.
You multiply the amount of content working for you with blogger outreach that gets multiple bloggers, who have already built authority elsewhere, writing blog posts that link to your site.
Successful SEO and content marketing strategies depend on publishing large volumes of content frequently and at regular intervals.
Blogs are an excellent way to achieve that goal, and it just gets better when you have other people creating content for you. Content length in blog posts is an important ranking factor. See here for some tips on the ideal blog post length.
Further, blogger outreach programs are two-way streets. It is highly likely that an influencer you reach out to would request for a mention of their blog on your website. You can always ask them to write the content which you just have to publish.
The benefits of additional content can be immense. You can consider blogger outreach agencies if you are concerned about being able to find bloggers to write for you.
Outsourcing your blogger outreach campaigns to agencies can deliver powerful results since these agencies have large teams of bloggers ready to link back to clients’ sites.
Provide Backlinks to Your Site With High SEO Value
Backlinks are the primary reason many engage in blogger outreach because Google cares a great deal about the number of quality links pointing to any given site. This benefit of influencer marketing is another reason making it an integral part of SEO strategies.

The high-quality backlinks you receive for your website when you engage in blogger outreach is a critical benefit of the outreach itself, which helps you organically grow those links in a short amount of time.
There is no better way to acquire more backlinks than through blogger outreach, which gives you extra points with Google as well.
Your website’s position ranks higher in SERPs when you have more backlinks from a variety of different platforms that are trusted and considered high-authority in their respective niche.

Influencer marketing can help you build a strong SEO platform for your business by helping you gain high-quality backlinks from relevant websites.
Backlinks are one of the corner stones of almost every SEO strategy since they play a major role in influencing a site’s ranking.
When you promote your content on blogs or other websites that are already ranking well on Google and you land a link from them, Google AI begins to consider your site as a trusted and reliable source. Use blogger outreach by contacting web site owners and asking them to feature your content. For some tips on how to contact webmasters and some examples of opening emails to use there are plenty of useful guides online.
This boosts your site’s ranking, which is the ultimate goal of SEO.
Increases Visibility in Search Engines
Raising your brand profile is critical if you want to grow your business, and climbing the search engine rankings is not the only way you can get that done.
Blogger outreach gets you connected with some very influential bloggers and website owners who can give you the boost or leg-up that your brand needs.
Visibility is the name of the game where SEO is concerned. With visibility comes tremendous growth which can be equated with more conversions, sales, and ultimately profits. Potential customers are more likely to visit your website when your business is more visible online.
By having your brand’s guest post, article, or review published on their website, you can spread brand awareness to readers who visit that site. This can even help increase social signals.

A well-written article which connects with readers typically gets shared with their friends and family. This can help increase your brand presence among people that can drive sales for you.
Social signals are treated as an organic ranking factor by search engines because it lets the bots know that your content is liked by people and more people are searching for it.
Your content gets labeled as valuable by search engines when it gets shared from high-authority websites. This is another ranking factor which can help your site attain that coveted number 1 spot.
You can reach a large audience fairly quickly when you improve your brand’s visibility. This in turn helps in starting to improve your website’s search engine ranking. Visibility also means that you attract more organic traffic, thereby giving a boost to your SEO campaign.
Blogger outreach is a great way to get access to many authoritative blogs talking about your brand in a relatively short amount of time, which helps increase your brand awareness and lead to rapid boosts in both profitability and business growth.
Readers take reliable and high-authority blogs promoting content on their websites as a sign of endorsement. This allows visitors to look at your brand as something they can trust.
This can in fact, help you build a loyal readership for your business, resulting in more sales and conversion.
This makes blogger outreach an even more important part of SEO for small businesses who can find creating a strong brand name exceptionally difficult. With the right outreach program you can create a strong brand recognition to help you earn trust and credibility from potential customers.
Back Links To Generate Referral Traffic
Referral traffic is the traffic that is driven by various sources other than search engines like Google. These include other blogs, forums, and networking sites, among others.
It is never a good idea to simply rely on a single traffic source because your website can be considered more consistent with traffic generated from multiple sources.
Blogger outreach can get you contributing guest posts on more than 50 blogs at the same time that has the potential to generate some decent volume of traffic.

Even if one or two fail to get traffic, you are still covered. The probability for conversion is higher here.
And, you will get multiplied by the amount of organic traffic to your website. Not to mention these are a completely new set of target audience who are guaranteed to be curious about your niche.
In short, with the right outreach campaign you are able to increase your chances of getting referral traffic from the influencer blog, which will result in improving your brand’s visibility and get you more followers at the same time.
Publishing quality content on high-authority blogs can help you to increase your site’s position on SERPs as well.
Referral traffic is just one of the endless reimbursements that both blogger outreach and guest blogging can pay for you in terms of SEO.
Increase CTR and Time On Page To Help With SEO
You are able to increase engagement with potential customers through blogger outreach by showcasing your work (content) to a large number of people and offering rich content that your target audience is interested in.
This allows you to grow your brand and social presence, which in turn helps you connect on a baser level with your users, visitors, or readers.
Outreach also helps you secure contextual links which enriches user experience, as it gives them further reading option without having to leave your website.

You can provide readers with useful in-content links thereby enhancing their experience, resulting in increased ranking.
Getting natural contextual links require a lot of hard work because it involves earning links as opposed to building them. But, blogger outreach can be of immense help in this area of SEO.
You can easily generate natural contextual links with the help of other bloggers who are very likely to link back to your site if they like your content.
With the right approach you will be able to secure quality contextual links for your website, which can go a long way in improving your site’s ranking on search engines, while improving user experience at the same time.
Bounce rates are one of the biggest factors that hit SEO campaigns.
When a visitor click to your website through search engine results and then immediately (within 30 seconds or less) hits the back button to come to the SERP again, it sends a signal to the search engine AI that your content is not what is expected. This can cause your ranking to drop lower.
With contextual links through blogger outreach, you provide readers with useful information and keep them interested, which can reduce bounce rates to a great extent.
Ranking Higher Using White Hat, Safe and Trusted Techniques in Guest Posts
Its valid to talk about the technical side of SEO and the authoritative link-building that blogger outreach can provide, among other similar topics. Blogger outreach is a safe form of generating backlinks – however it is important to keep in mind that the primary focus should always be to add value to your readers. If you focus on publishing content you can take security in the fact that blogger outreach is not dangerous.

However, one area of benefit that is not discussed enough is the fact that blogger outreach essentially boils down to ‘word of mouth’ marketing.
Blogger outreach is a powerful SEO tool because you position your brand and content in front of bloggers whose audience will start talking about what you have to offer. Blogger outreach gets your brand in front of multiple audiences on authoritative sites.
Engaged, trusting readerships can help you grow your brand and business exponentially in a much shorter amount of time than it would take if you tried to do it with just SEO efforts.